Your vacation home is in need of regular roofing services just as much as your everyday home is. Your roof is an absolutely vital part of your vacation home. It is also an expensive thing to replace. Regular roof inspections can help you avoid needing to pay for a costly roof replacement. There are certain guidelines you should follow when it comes to your vacation home roof. In today’s post, Big Rapids Roofing will discuss how often you should inspect the roof of your vacation home. Read on to learn more and let us help you protect your vacation home today!

This is a trickier question than you might realize. The typical recommendation for roof inspection is that it should be professionally inspected at least once a year by a quality roofing company. That being said, there are some other factors to consider that might mean more frequent inspections are in order. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
If your vacation home is located in a place that is prone to big storms or hail, it might be a good idea to schedule a roof inspection more than once a year. The weather has a big effect on your roof and storms can really beat it down. Your roof should be inspected after any significant weather event.

It goes without saying that older roofs require a little more care. If your vacation home’s roof is more than ten years old, you may benefit from an inspection as often as seasonally. Older roofs tend to be more beaten down and you want to get ahead of any problems that may arise before they cost you your whole roof.
Trees can have a big effect on the roof of your vacation home. Branches and brambles can fall on your roof if they are situated too close to your home and this can wear your roof down. A tree close to your home means more frequent roof inspections.